Thursday, June 23, 2011

Silly background.

Huh! Finally, I found my old magazine. Some of the page, I cut it, and I made them background. It's no too much, but I think my wall in my bedroom can be more stylish with paper ;p.

And, I think there's no light in my room. But the lamp is on! Damn! ;p

Putri Malu for MUSE t-shirt, Ina Baju jeans skirt, MANGO fringe bag, Gosh flat shoes, Stoberi bracelet, The Little Things She Needs bracelet (white), Stroberi headband.

I hate the light! Btw, anyone like my shoes? Here the details...
This shoe is really cheap! Just IDR 199! This shoe is like balet shoe, but it is not a ballet shoe. This is just a flat shoes.

Btw, this is some of picture from my birthday party on June 21th. My birthday like Sonia Eryka's birthday!

I celebrated my birthday party at my Uncle's restaurant named "Raos Ayem". The food is really yummy! My favorite menu is Mayonise Shrimp. It is really really yummy!

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